Monday, May 10, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Tufts Summer Study offers dozens of courses through the College for Juniors program (where high school students can take classes alongside college students in a variety of disciplines), the Health Science Honors Program, the Writing Program, and finally, the Ethics & Global Citizenship Program. For more information on each of these offerings, please visit the Summer Study Site here.

Want another reason to come study at Tufts for the summer? In light of the recent burst of sunshine, The Boston Globe released a guide to picnicking in Boston, with a countdown of 15 of the city's best spots. And what better time than summer to break out the cheese and crackers, chem book, and "study" with your friends outdoors?! The list, complete with photos, can be found here.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Banksy Fesses Up

According to an article in the UK's Telegraph, British street artist Banksy "stole" the name of his new film, "Exit Through the Gift Shop," from a lesser-known band. In order to compensate for his act (or at least avoid being sued), Banksy granted the band with an original painting, valued at £200,000. The band, who has since changed their name to "Brand Yourself," accepted the gift gratefully.

For full coverage of this story, check out the article here.

Did you know that one of Banksy's first exhibitions was called "existencilism"?
The exhibition showed in 2002 in Los Angeles.

Did you know that Tufts Summer Session offters a course called "existentialism"?
It's offered through the College For Juniors pre-college program.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Physics Phacts

"Light may seem to travel a straight line, but sometimes it gets twisted into knots. In January 2010 researchers reported using a computer-controlled hologram to twist beams of laser light into pretzel shapes. The holograms, which direct the flow of light, were specially created to send light in certain directions and shapes.

The researchers used a field of mathematics known as knot theory to study the resulting loops. These swirls of light, called optical vortices, could have implications for future laser devices, the physicists said."

Apparently, physics isn't always so straightforward. recently released a countdown of seven mind-blowing physics facts. Number six is listed above, but for the remaining six, check out the link here.

Interested in physics? Tufts Summer Study offers two introductory Physics courses through the College For Juniors. Check out the course descriptions here: